FREE sex, drugs
& rock 'n' roll
50s - pop culture - streetstyle - teenage -
60s - punks - 70s
diners - bikers - beats - modern jazz -
cool - hipsters . . .
BOOM! - A Baby Boomer Memoir, 1947-2022 by Ted Polhemus is a
free download for Kindle Wednesday
March 12 -Thursday March 13, 2014.*
- or your local Amazon site and search for Ted Polhemus
own a Kindle? Me neither. No problem.
Download a free Kindle reader for PC, Mac, Android, iPad, etc. Works really
well on my PC. When you download a Kindle book it flies straight into your
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Yes we all love real paper books but where a printed book is
hard to get, too pricy or you need to read something immediately, Kindle could
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For a free Kindle reader go to >>>
* midnight Pacific Standard Time on the day it starts and midnight Pacific
Standard Time on the day it ends. [= 03.00 NY, 04.00 Sao Paulo, 07.00 London,
08,00 Paris/Rome/ Prague]
check that 'Amazon price' is 0.00 ['Prime 0,00' is only Amazon Prime customers]
a few of the hyperlinks to films, etc. need updating - sorry, will fix this for
next time I have a free promotion.
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